Background & Updates
On December 18th, 2023, the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen, along with other plaintiffs, filed suit in the United States District Court for the District of Vermont challenging Vermont's existing Standard Capacity Magazine Ban (13 VSA 4021) as well as the newly passed firearm purchase waiting period (13 VSA 4019a).
Two days later on December 17th, we filed a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction (PI) seeking to halt enforcement on the challenged laws. The State of Vermont responded to our motion with this response; with our response to theirs seen here.
On May 23rd 2024, Judge William Sessions presided over day 1 of the hearing for the PI, and then presided over day 2 on June 3rd 2024.
On June 3rd, the Judge ordered each side to write a 10-page Supplement due on June 13th. These were:
After reading the other's Supplement, the judge wanted a rebuttal from each side, due June 18th. These were:
After SCOTUS issued the Rahimi decision, the judge asked for supplements concerning it's effect. These were:
On July 18 2024, Judge Sessions denied our Motion for a PI for both the Magazine Ban and the Waiting Period laws in an 88 page decision, .
We then appealed his decision to the United States Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit.
Immediately after we appealed, the State of Vermont agreed to stay our Court Challenge until the Appeal on the PI had been heard and ruled upon; so our Challenge to the two laws is on hold.
After filing the appeal with the 2nd Circuit, and with the understanding that the 2nd Circuit would be dealing with a similar case (Lamont), we offered a Motion in the 2nd Circuit to Stay our PI Denial Appeal until after Lamont had been decided. The 2nd Circuit agreed to this motion, so our PI Denial Appeal is now also on hold.
In the meantime: the Supreme Court of the United States had heard Rahimi, and had before them Snope v Brown (a AWB challenge) as well as Ocean State Tactical v Rhode Island (a Magazine challenge).
To date, we have spent more than $160,000 on this case, and were initially told this would cost over $300,000 to take it through the 2nd Circuit.
Failure is not an option, we will continue to fight this, and we could use your financial assistance.
Click here to see how you can help.
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